“Exciting News for The Submarine D300”
We were approached a while ago to see if we were interested in donating a horse for the upcoming Race to Ranch competition held at Cowgirls Gathering, in October. The competition is a 100-day challenge for Thoroughbred Horses who had raced within the previous 6 months or so.
About a month in to the 100-day challenge, one of the competitors – who happens to be my very talented sister-in-law Jane Weir, had a set back with her horse, and needed a replacement asap! Well luck would have it; we had a great horse who’d recently flown in from Hong Kong that was spelling with Paul Austin and Mark Lilley in QLD!
So, out of the paddock for The Submarine, and up to Amelia Downs, North QLD! He has settled in like a duck to water, and dove straight into his training! Only a few short weeks into his preparation for Race to Ranch, and he is already chasing cows, discovering Kangaroo’s, ridden bareback, without a bridle and in the dark! And really just learning to trust Jane and do what she asks.
What an adventure this horse has been on. Bred in Ireland, raced in Hong Kong and now learning what it is to be a true Aussie stock horse! I’m excited to bring you his journey to Race to Ranch, and we wish Jane all the best with his training!